The short and medium term outlook for the UK shows signs of a second wave. The good news is the government has created a process to stem the spread by using regional lockdowns. However, the impacts for businesses are huge. Highlighted are areas you should consider.
1. What does your supply-chain look like, do you have
a variety of suppliers if one needs to be closed for the short term?
2. If your business needs to close are there products
or services you can still offer your customers?
E.g. Coffee shops, can you home deliver your delicious pastries and ground coffee to your local customers? Office workers, are you geared up and have the kit you need to continue to offer a great service while working from home?
3. Continue to talk to your customers, share your plans, tell them how you can still offer an outstanding service and amazing products even if the worse happens. Listen to what your team is telling you and what your customers need.
4. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but
a sign of strength. Getting help with strategy planning will give you the head space you might need to work on other parts of your business.
5. There are many financial support packages, has a step by step guide for how to get help.