What is it?

Offers support to businesses who take on a young person aged 16 to 24


Who are they?

Young people with barriers to work such as

  • Long term unemployed
  • Low skill level (left education early)


What funding does the business get?

Unfortunately, it’s the government running this, and nothing is simple. Some areas have generous offers i.e. £6000 funding for 12 months, or ½ of the wages paid for 12 months etc.. some areas have nothing at all.

If you have a Kickstarter, you are maybe able to keep them on and switch on to this programme, get in touch with the info I need (see below)


When does this close?

No official closing date, likely this will be open for a while. Launched in 2020 but was overstepped by Kickstart and has only just switch back on.


What does this cost to get access?

MZN Consultancy charges £65.00 ex VAT (£78.00 inc VAT) for administration.


How do I find out more?

Reply back or book in some time in my calendar here

Let me know the council area your business is in

How many people you are looking for