Gender Diversity Boosts the Financial Performance of Firms
As a champion of having a #diverseworkforce and what it can bring to an organisation. I was please to see the findings from Glasgow Caledonian University, clearly showing having an increase in gender #diversity at top has had a “positive and significant” effect on the financial performance of firms.
#Chancellors Empowerment Programme For 16 to 24 Year Olds
I attended an exciting event this morning. Speaking directly to the UK Government policy makers within Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Education Skills Funding Agency. We talked about the #chancellors support programme for 16 to 24 year olds and how businesses can support the …. Read More
Race and Inclusion.
To tackle any issue, whether that be #Disability, #Religion, #Race, etc. We need to educate ourselves and discuss these matters, it’s easy to ignore or to say it doesn’t affect me.
Gruelling Battle of Job Hunting During Lockdown. PART 2
Are you job hunting?
Does the job market feel like someone has pulled out the bath plug, and your left shivering in the cold?
MZN Consultancy expert coach Moiz Nurbhai shares further hints and tips in part two of Job Hunting during lockdown.